Staff Gauge Errors to Look Out For

Staff gauges, when used correctly, are some of the most reliable, accurate measurement tools that your water management operation could hope to find. Gauges provide a concrete reading of the flow in your operation, which is why so many water systems rely on this tool. However, there are a number of factors, both environmental and functional, that can cause inaccurate readings that may interfere with the successful day-to-day functioning of your operation. Learn about measurement errors common to staff gauges so that your water management operations get accurate readings necessary for success.

Keep an Eye Out for an Uneven Gauge

There is a reason that so many water operations choose staff gauges as their measurement tool: ease of use. Reading a staff gauge requires only the naked eye, making it a fairly simple solution. However, there are a couple of factors that can cause a reading to be inaccurate.

First, an operator must make sure they are not too far away from the gauge. The lower the gauge is mounted, the closer you will need to be to make sure you get an accurate reading. Secondly, the angle of the gauge can interfere both with taking readings and the visibility of the gauge. Ideally, your gauge will be perfectly level, which will ensure you can clearly see the gauge and take accurate readings whenever you need.

Addressing Turbulent Conditions

Another factor that can interfere with the usage of your staff gauge has to do with the conditions of the flow itself. Turbulent flows can make it hard to read your gauge because of the rapid change in level, leading to varying readings that are often unusable. If you plan to use a staff gauge in an operation with an energetic flow, it is imperative that your gauge is paired with a stilling well. A stilling well works to smooth flow and water level around the gauge so that you can take an accurate reading and preserver the functioning of your staff gauge.

Maintaining the Integrity of Your Gauge

As with any water management tool, making sure that your staff gauge is properly maintained will go a long way towards securing the accuracy of your flow readings. Staff gauges are particularly vulnerable to the buildup of dirt, mold and other debris, which can occlude your gauge and make it extremely difficult to read. When installing your staff gauge, it’s important that you pick a site that is easily accessible so that you can perform periodic maintenance. Regularly cleaning your staff gauge will preserve its readability and the accuracy of the flow measurements that your operation relies on.

Use Staff Gauges in Your Operation

Your water management operation has a wide range of measurement tools at its disposal, but one of the most reliable is a staff gauge. When using a staff gauge, it’s important to be aware of certain errors that can interfere with your readings and interrupt your operation. Fortunately, with a little preparation, staff gauges provide accurate readings and extreme ease of use. If you would like to use staff gauges, or other fiberglass products, in your water system, then you need to partner with Tracom. No matter your water management needs, Tracom has an excellent fiberglass solution to fit the bill. Contact us today for more information.

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