Where To Install Your Measurement Device

For certain water management operations, measuring and sampling flow discharge is a must. However, the problem comes when trying to find the right place to install your measuring device. In many operation, space is at an absolute premium, limiting the sites where measuring devices can be successfully installed. Fortunately, after looking at the facts, there are a few great solutions for measuring flow and increasing the success of your operation. Installing custom weir boxes, custom flumes and energy absorbers allows you to take required flow measurements and samplings when space is at a minimum.

Install Customized Weir Boxes

One of the primary tools you can use to measure and sample flow under tight confines is to install customized weir boxes. Weir boxes are already some of the most useful water measurement tools available, and their configuration options make them a flexible choice for both below and above grade applications. In addition to being able to install a weir box in wastewater streams of varying size, it also has the unique ability to discharge in multiple ways, including out of a vertical discharge pipe, spilling over the weir plate or a pipe out inline. A customized weir box will fit the needs of your operation exactly and give you consistently accurate measurements.

Use Customized Flumes

Whether because of burial depth, flow conditions or other factors, weir boxes may not be suitable for your operation. If you still need a measurement option but have limited space, a customized flume may be the right choice. Flumes have a number of integration options — above grade enclosure, installed in channels, as part of a packaged metering manhole — and are a great solution for measuring flows of all types. Also, and perhaps more importantly, flumes have a long track record of accurate readings and low maintenance, increasing the long term viability of your water management system.

Make Sure You Have an Energy Absorber

Although both custom flumes and custom weir boxes are great solutions for measuring flows in small spaces, they do have their limitations. If the flow in your operation is high energy, particularly as it approaches the flume or weir box, then you need to make sure to install an energy absorber in tandem with your measuring device. Energy absorbers condition the flow as it enters your measuring device, which allows for more accurate readings and the consistent success that your operation needs. Combine your flumes and weir boxes with an energy absorber for the perfect flow measuring solution when space is a consideration.

Get the Flumes and Weir Boxes Your Operation Needs

Any water management operation relies on accurate flow measurements and the ability to take samples when needed. Unfortunately, for some operations, there is a minimal amount of space where a measuring device can be installed. In these situations, customized flumes and weir boxes are the ideal solutions for a flexible measuring device that doesn’t take up much space. Get the flumes and weir boxes that your operation needs by partnering with Tracom. Tracom specializes in providing water management operations with the high quality fiberglass tools that they need to succeed, and we’d be happy to work with you. Request a quote today.

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