The Different Parts of a Flow Measuring Flume

Flumes are the primary choice for water management systems looking to easily and effectively manage their flow. While there are different styles of flumes that your system could choose, flow measuring flumes will generally have the same basic parts. However, few people actually understand the different parts of a flume or their purpose, making it a good idea to examine these tools in closer detail.

When you learn about the parts of a flow measuring flume and their purpose, you will be able to use these tools more effectively, improving the success rate of your operation. Read about the parts of a flow measuring flume and find out how you can use these flexible tools in your water operation.

Converging Section

The very first section of your flow measuring flume is the most important. This is known as the converging section. The converging section of your flume is responsible for collecting the flow in your system and directing it towards the throat of your flume.

In addition to serving as the flow collection point, the converging section of the flume is where the primary point of measurement will be located. Generally, if your system operates in free-flow conditions, you will only need to measure at a single depth. However, your operators should always abide by the dimensions of your specific flume type.

Your Flume’s Throat

The middle section of your flow measuring flume is known as the throat. This is the narrowest section of your flume and serves one primary purpose: Accelerating flow. When flow enters the throat of your flume, it will be accelerated from sub-critical flow to super-critical flow. This will be accomplished through different methods depending on the type of flume you use.

If you have a Cutthroat or Montana flume, your flow will be accelerated using a contraction of the sidewalls. With an RBC flume, flow is accelerated with a change in elevation. Parshall and Palmer-Bowlus flumes use both methods. It is possible for certain flumes to have a zero length flow. In these flumes, the converging section will transition directly into the diverging section.

Read About the Diverging Section

Although it is not always necessary, many flumes contain a diverging section. The diverging section is where flow exists your flume. This section serves two important purpose. First, the diverging section reduces downstream scour in water management systems where this is a risk. Second, the diverging section expands flow back into the downstream channel.

In certain flumes, like a Cutthroat or Trapezoidal flumes, the diverging section may contain a second point of measurement. Other flumes, like HS/H/HL flumes, omit the diverging section completely.

Ask Questions About the Parts of a Flow Measuring Flume

After learning about the different sections you may find in a flow measuring flume, it’s possible you have some questions. Get answers to your questions about the parts of a flow measuring flume by talking to the professionals at Tracom, FRP.

Tracom produces a variety of fiberglass flow measuring flumes, and we can answer your questions and tell you which flumes you should purchase for use in your water management system. Ask us your questions today and find out how we can equip your system with the tools that you need and deserve.

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