Different Options for Fiberglass Manholes

While some flow management operations choose to install their primary device directly in channel, others will need to incorporate their device into a fiberglass manhole. Using a fiberglass manhole means having your flow management device, such as weir, in a contained environment where it will be safe from damage and easily accessible to operators.

What many people don’t realize, however, is that there are actually several different types of fiberglass manholes available, making it a good idea to learn about your options before adding this tool to your system. Here are a few of the most popular fiberglass manhole styles you can install in your system and some of the benefits of each device.

Energy Absorbing Manholes

If you want to be able to take accurate readings, the flow in your system needs to be a uniform velocity. This means that in systems where flow is very turbulent, you need a tool to absorb flow energy so that you can take consistent measurements. Fortunately, in these situations, you can install an energy absorbing manhole.

An energy absorbing manhole is a fiberglass manhole that comes equipped with a flow baffle. When the flow in your system hits this baffle, it will slow down, creating a more uniform velocity that will make it easier for you to take readings. If you’re concerned about the turbulence of the flow in your system, you should consider installing an energy absorbing manhole.

Fiberglass Grinder Manhole

The flow in some operations may contain solid substances that have the potential to form clogs that block the flow completely. If there are solids in your system and you’re worried about a flow blockage, you could choose to install a fiberglass grinder manhole.

A fiberglass grinder manhole, as you can probably tell from its name, has a grinder that can break up solids in your flow. When you equip your system with this type of manhole, you’ll be able to reduce your risk of a blockage so that your operations will never be interrupted.

Flow Sampling Manholes

For most systems, the most useful of the fiberglass manhole styles is the flow sampling manholes. These manholes are specifically designed to make it easier for you to take water samples and measure flow, which is why they are used in so many different applications.

Generally, these manholes will be used in industrial applications, such as wastewater treatment. In most cases, a flow sampling manhole will come prepackaged with a primary device such as a flume or weir. Once this manhole is installed, your operators should be easily able to measure flow rate and take a water sample.

Find Your Fiberglass Manhole

Now that you know about the different fiberglass manholes, you should be able to choose the option that best meets the needs of your operation. If you’re ready to purchase your fiberglass manhole, you can browse the catalogue at Tracom, FRP

Our fiberglass products are durable and accurate, and we offer a range of manhole styles that will perfectly fit into your system. Contact Tracom today to learn about our fiberglass manholes or to request a quote for one of our products.

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