Temporary vs. Permanent Flume Installations

For your water management or monitoring operation to run successfully, there are several options that you will need to consider, including how you will install your flume. As most in the water management field know, a flume is the best choice for managing a wide range of flow types. However, not every type of installation is right for every operation, which is why you need to explore your options in further detail.

Here is some information to help you choose between temporary and permanent flume installations and advice for purchasing the right flumes for your business.

Needs of Your Operation

As with most major decisions, examining the specific needs of your operation is the best way to decide whether a temporary or permanent flume installation is right for you.

The best reason for a temporary flume installation is that it provides a great deal of versatility. Once your measurements have been taken, you can break down the installation and move your flume to wherever it is needed. This is particularly useful in measuring stormwater runoff or in agricultural applications. However, if you’re going to be measuring the same flow day after day, as in a waste management plant, permanent flume installations are the better option.

Risks of Flow Bypass

When you’re installing a flume, there are several risks that you need to take into account, including flow bypass. If your flume doesn’t fully capture the flow, the readings taken by your operators won’t be accurate, which will be disastrous for the success of your operation.

In terms of flow bypass, a permanent flume installation is much more beneficial than an installation that is temporary. When permanently installing a flume, you can make adjustments to completely eliminate the possibility of flow bypass. While you can prevent bypass in a temporary installation by using a waterproof membrane, the membrane must be monitored to make sure it doesn’t move out of place.

Consider Downstream Conditions

One issue that temporary and permanent flume installations have in common is the need to maintain proper downstream conditions. With both installation types, poor downstream conditions can result in submergence, and with temporary installations, improper downstream conditions can displace your flume and cause big problems with your operation.

The best way to maintain correct downstream conditions is guaranteeing the integrity of your flume’s sidewalls and floor. If the channel floor isn’t level, or if your sidewalls aren’t adequately supported, your downstream conditions may be disrupted.

Finding Your Perfect Flume

Consider all of these factors, and you should be able to decide whether temporary or permanent flume installations are right for your business. However, regardless of the flume installation option you choose, you’ll first need high-quality fiberglass flumes, which you can and should purchase from Tracom, FRP.

Tracom is one of the leading manufacturers of fiberglass water management products, and we provide a wide range of flumes that will perfectly match the needs of your operation. Our flumes are affordable, durable, and most importantly, accurate, meaning you can trust them to help your operation succeed. Contact a Tracom representative today so that you can learn more about our first-rate fiberglass flumes.

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