Measuring Embankment Dam Seepage

If your water management system uses an embankment dam, then measuring dam seepage is one of the most important things that you can do to gauge how your system is functioning and its overall health. When the amount of seepage that your system experiences abruptly changes and the cause is not immediately apparent, it can mean that there is a serious problem with your dam.

Always being aware of dam seepage amounts is the key in making sure your operation continues running smoothly, which is why you need to target the right dam seepage tools. Discover the best tools for measuring dam seepage and find out how you can purchase these tools for use in your water management system.

Short-Throated Flumes

Flumes are the most popular tools for measuring flows that exists. What you might not know, however, is that flumes are also very useful for measuring dam seepage. This is particularly true when you choose short-throated flumes.

The most useful types of flumes can be had in short-throated varieties, including Cutthroat, Parshall and Trapezoidal. When using a flume for dam seepage, you should be able to find a model that will cover all of your expected seepage rates. Fortunately, if all of your rates are not covered, you can choose to use nested flumes to measure your dam seepage. A flume is perhaps the best solution for measuring your dam seepage.

Thin Plate Weirs

Another widely used water management tool is a thin plate weir. The biggest advantage of using a thin plate weir to measure your dam seepage is that they are incredibly easy to install and are also very accurate. As with flumes, thin plate weirs can be had in several styles, including rectangular, v-notch and Cipolletti. You can also use compound weirs if that better fits the needs of your dam.

If you choose to use a thin plate weir to measure your dam seepage, you should be aware of the increased maintenance requirements. You must regularly check your weir crest for damage and make sure that there is no debris that might interfere with seepage.

Packaged Metering Manholes

Most dam seepage collection occurs above grade. However, if the dam seepage in your system collects below grade, then the better choice for you is a packaged metering manhole. Instead of installing your tools for measuring dam seepage directly, they will be contained in a packaged metering manhole.

This leads to a much easier installation for a below grade collection system. Also, packaged metering manholes give your operators quick access to your measurement tools, meaning you’ll be able to get a dam seepage reading whenever you need it.

Choose the Right Tools for Measuring Dam Seepage

Measuring dam seepage is one of the most important things that you can do to ensure the long-term health and functioning of your dam. Fortunately, there are several tools that can help you monitor your dam seepage. Purchase the tools for measuring dam seepage that you need by working with Tracom, FRP.

In the Tracom product catalogue, you’ll find a wide range of useful water management tools that can help improve the success of your system. Contact us today for more information.

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