Irrigation Flume Problems and their Solutions

When you need to measure irrigation flow, whether for water rights or some other purpose, your perfect tool. While Parshall flumes are the most popular choice for measuring irrigation flumes, other styles, such as RBC and Trapezoidal flumes, can also be used.

Whichever flume style you choose to measure irrigation flow, there are a few common problems that you need to watch out for to make certain that your primary device is functioning as it should. Here are some irrigation flume problems to watch out for and advice for correcting these issues so that you can be sure your measurements are accurate.

Bad Staff Gauge Placement

In terms of irrigation flumes, the most common measurement tool is a staff gauge. While staff gauges can be used to quickly measure your flow, they need to be placed in the right spot to function correctly. Unfortunately, misplacing your staff gauge can be very easy to do.

If you install your staff gauge in the throat of your flume, at your flume’s entrance, or upstream of the flume, you won’t be able to take the accurate measurements that you need. Make sure that your staff gauge is installed at the back of your flume’s throat if you want your readings to be consistently accurate.

Flumes that Aren’t Level

Although there are several irrigation flume problems that you need to be on the lookout for, you need to pay special attention to whether your flume is level or not. While you probably leveled your flume during installation, there are a variety of ways that your flumes level can be altered. For instance, if your flume is installed in a natural channel, frost heave during the colder months can easily shift your flume out of place.

To combat this issue, you should be frequently measuring the level of your flume, with your first check taking place six months after your device was installed.

Escaping Flow

For your irrigation flume to function the way that it was intended, all flow in your system needs to pass through the flume. If any flow escapes, our bypasses, your flume, your readings will be inaccurate.

Generally, flow bypass occurs because the floor or channel around your flume has eroded. You should have your operator frequently check for erosion to see if adjustments need to be made to counteract flow bypass. For instance, you may need to install sidewalls or even reposition your flume.

Stop Irrigation Flume Problems

As you can tell, there are several irrigation flume problems that you need to be aware of if you want your operation to succeed. One of the best ways to avoid irrigation flume problems is to make sure you are installing the highest-quality flumes possible, which is why you should shop with Tracom, FRP.

Tracom offers every style of flume, including those most popular for irrigation measurement. Plus, because our flumes are made using fiberglass, you’ll know that your primary device will be able to perform regardless of the conditions where it is being used. Browse our flumes today so that you can choose the right option for your irrigation measurement needs.

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