A Few Easy Tips to Keep Your Parshall Flume Up and Running

If you’re in the open channel flow industry, then you probably know that there’s almost no better flow management device than a Parshall flume. Suitable for a wide variety of applications and consistently accurate, a Parshall flume is the dependable device that every flow management operation needs.

After you’ve installed your flume, you want to make sure that it always works the way that you need, which is why it’s important to have your operators perform regular maintenance. Here are a few Parshall flume maintenance tips that you should keep in mind if you want to make sure your device is always up and running.

Parshall Flume Channel Inspection

A few months after your flume has been installed, you should take some time to inspect the installation channel to make sure that everything is as it should be. Generally, you only need to inspect the installation channel if your flume is installed outdoors. For instance, you need to make sure there’s nothing in the upstream channel, such as plant growth, that would interfere with the flow as it enters the flume. You also need to make sure that no flow is escaping the flume.

After clearing the upstream channel of any obstructions, you should move onto inspecting the downstream channel. Check for scouring, which means a wearing away of the channel that can displace the device. If scouring has occurred, you may need to move the flume to a different location.

Checking the Flow

Whether your Parshall flume is installed indoors or outdoors, you will periodically need to check the flow in your system to make sure it has the proper characteristics. For starters, the flow should be spread evenly across the channel and should be tranquil where it enters your flume. The flow also needs to have the correct velocity profile, meaning it’s subcritical as it enters the Parshall flume.

Check the surface of the flow for turbulence, and also look to see if any surging occurs. If you notice any of these issues, you may need to add a flow conditioner to your flume.

Examining the Flume

Now we can talk about a few Parshall flume tips related to the flume itself. Perform a visual inspection to the flume to make sure that it’s level. If the flume isn’t level, you will need to reposition it to make sure it functions correctly. In outdoor applications where the flume is installed in a natural channel, you should look for signs of settling, which can occur due to thaw cycles or because the dirt of the channel is overly damp.

Look inside of the flume and see if there is any biological growth or debris buildup on the surfaces. If there is, clean the surfaces of these items. If your flume is made of metal, inspect the surfaces for corrosion.

Keep these Parshall flume maintenance tips in mind, and you should be able to keep your flume functional for years to come, and if you need to buy a flume, you can shop with Tracom, FRP. We are proud to offer our customers dependable fiberglass flumes and a wide range of other fiberglass products, and we would be glad to work with you. Request a quote from us today so that you can purchase the device you need.

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