Information about Cutthroat Flumes & Submerged Flow

The Cutthroat flume is a flexible flow management device, and can be easily incorporated into most applications. Ideally, your Cutthroat flume will operate under free-flow conditions, but this simply may not be possible due to the nature of your system. Fortunately, unlike other styles of flumes that you could choose, Cutthroat flumes can operate in submerged flow conditions. Here are some facts to consider about Cutthroat flumes and submerged flow, including the advantages of installing your flume under these conditions.

Obstacles to Free-Flow Conditions

Before we discuss some of the advantages of operating your Cutthroat flume under submerged flow conditions, it’s a good idea to learn about some the factors that can make free-flow conditions impossible.

For starters, in channels with a completely flat grade, it would be very difficult to install a Cutthroat flume for free-flow conditions. Vegetation is another issue which can interfere with free-flow conditions, particularly in a natural channel. If any of these issues exist when you’re installing your flume, you may need to plan for submerged flow conditions instead of free-flow conditions.

Benefits of Submerged Flow

With many flume styles, submergence can be a big problem, especially when it comes to taking accurate readings. Not so with a Cutthroat flume! Your system can actually benefit in several ways form install a Cutthroat flume for submerged flow, including reducing head loss. In submerged conditions, head loss is not as big a concern as it would be in free-flow conditions. Also, this reduction in head loss usually means you will not need to make any adjustments to the banks of the upstream channel.

Another benefit of Cutthroat flumes and submerged flow is there is no need to add a ramp allowing the flow to enter the flume. Cutthroat flumes, thanks to their flat floor, can be placed directly on the floor of the channel and easily capture all of the flow. The flat floor of this flume also means that flow passes through quickly, meaning there is a reduced risk for seepage upstream.

Taking Measurements

If you want your Cutthroat flume to operate under submerged flow conditions, you will need to take regular measurements to make sure these conditions are being maintained properly. Have your operators regular measure the water level both upstream and downstream of your flume. Dividing the upstream water level by the downstream water level will reveal the degree of submergence in your system.

To operate under submerged flow conditions, you will need to make sure your Cutthroat flume isn’t too long. The longer your flume, the more resistant it is to submergence. As long as your flume is the correct length, and you’re regularly measuring water levels, you should be able to maintain submergence in your system.

Invest in a Cutthroat Flume

While submergence can be an obstacle in some circumstances, you can actually benefit from these flow conditions if you install a Cutthroat flume in your system. If you want to learn more about the advantages of Cutthroat flumes and submerged flow, or if you’re ready to purchase this device, you should get in touch with the team at Tracom, FRP.

Tracom is your number one source for fiberglass Cutthroat flumes, as well as a selection of other dependable tools. Request a quote from us today.

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