Running a water management system is a very time-consuming task, which means you need to outfit your operation with the most convenient, useful equipment to make your job easier. One of the overlooked accessories that make running water management systems easier than ever before is a fiberglass manhole. Fiberglass manholes offer easy access to your water measurement tools and can be outfitted in a number of ways to suit your operation’s exact needs. Keep reading to learn about three distinct types of fiberglass manholes, and find out you can use this invaluable tool for your operation.
Grinder Manhole
If your water management system handles a lot of large sediment or debris, as in sanitation operations, then one of your best manhole choices is a grinder manhole. Grinder manholes are manholes that can either incorporate into a system that already has a grinder or may have a grinder already built in, such as a Muffin Monster manhole. The biggest advantage of a grinder manhole is that it offers you convenient access to your grinding equipment, allowing you to clear up blocked flows easily or to repair equipment that has suffered damage. Incorporating a grinder manhole into your system is a good idea if you value extreme utility.
Dome Top Style Manhole
When you install a fiberglass manhole in your water management system, you want to make sure you choose a style that gives you the most convenient ease of access to your water measurement tools, which makes a dome top style manhole one of your best possible choices. Thanks to its unique dome design and piano hinge, this type of manhole offers a wide opening that gives you simple, easy access to your most essential equipment. Additionally, when your manhole is made of fiberglass, you will know you are getting a manhole that will hold up to the most extreme stresses, lasting year after year.
Packaged Metering Manholes
Finally, we come to the most useful fiberglass manhole type you could use in a water management system: Packaged metering manholes. Packaged metering manholes are an all in one solution, combining a flume with a fiberglass manhole. Choosing a packaged metering manhole for your operation means easily being able to take water samples, measure flow rates within a pipe and performing regular water quality tests. Packaged metering manholes are also water tight, extremely durable and incredibly easy to install. A packaged metering manhole is the most advantageous type of manhole you could choose for your operation.
Choose Tracom for Your Fiberglass Manhole Needs
Installing a fiberglass manhole in your water management means getting access to an extreme level of utility that is simply unmatched by other products. No matter the type of manhole that you choose, you will know that you are increasing access to your equipment and making it easier for your operators to take the routine measurements necessary to a water management operation. Getting access to a great fiberglass manhole, as well as other water management products, is as easy as requesting a quote from Tracom. Tracom specializes in the best fiberglass products available, and can help you find exactly what you need for your operation. Contact Tracom today to get started!