A weir box is one of the many tools that you could choose for your flow management needs, and like every flow management device, weir boxes have specific strengths and weaknesses. To help you decide if a weir box is the right tool for your operation, it’s important to take a look at the pros and cons of this popular device. Here are some of the advantages of weir boxes, as well as a few disadvantages, that every flow management operation should keep in mind.
A Wide Range of Materials
One of the biggest strengths of weir boxes is that they can be constructed from a wide range of materials, making it easier to tailor your weir box to the specific needs of your operation. For example, weir boxes can be constructed from several different types of metals, including aluminum, stainless steel, and galvanized steel.
It’s also possible to have your weir box constructed from fiberglass, which is one of the most durable materials available. A fiberglass weir box will stand up to a variety of environmental stressors, meaning your device will last for years to come while still providing accurate flow measurements.
You Can Accessorize Your Weir Box
The ability to accessorize your flow management devices is another of the top advantages of weir boxes. Just like flumes, weir boxes can be equipped with a number of accessories to help improve their utility and accuracy.
For example, if you’re installing your weir box in an industrial application, piped end connections are available so that installation will be easy and your weir box will be able to effectively capture the flow. In applications with turbulent flow, you can add a flow conditioner to your weir box, such as an under-plate baffle to improve the accuracy of your readings. You’ll also have the option of adding a flow meter or sampler to your weir box, and you can choose custom configurations that match your flow measuring needs.
Disadvantages of Weir Boxes
Now that you know about some of the pros of installing a weir box in your system, it’s time to take a look at some of the limitations of this flow management device. For starters, it’s usually not possible to use a weir box in any application where the flow includes either natural or manmade debris. Leaves, trash, and other types of debris have the potential to block the crest of the weir plate, which would prevent free spillage.
Weir boxes also generally can’t be used in very cold temperatures without an external heating source. In extremely cold settings, the flow in the weir box has the potential of freezing, which would stop your device from functioning and may even cause serious damage.
Invest in a Weir Box
If you’re ready to purchase a weir box after learning about the advantages of this device, Tracom, FRP is here for you. We offer a number of first-rate fiberglass flow management devices, including weir boxes. You can contact one of our representatives today to learn more about our weir boxes and flumes, or to request a quote so that you can install your new flow management device as quickly as possible.