Why Pretreatment Monitoring Manholes Matter

When you’re dealing with a wastewater treatment system, the state of the water in the flow is essential to quality operations. Debris, pollutants and organisms can all compromise the integrity of a water system. Fortunately, there’s a particular kind of manhole that can help measure these pollutants in preparation for treatment. Learn why pretreatment monitoring manholes matter for any wastewater treatment system. 

Measuring and Sampling

Whether you’re operating a public or commercial water treatment system, there are certain legal regulations you must remain in compliance with. These regulations will require specific measuring and sampling of the water flow, and a pretreatment monitoring manhole is one of the most efficient solutions when used in conjunction with a factory-integrated flume or other measuring device. 

A flume works by directing the flow through a narrow channel in which the level and velocity can be measured once the flow reaches its criticality point. To obtain precise measurements, the velocity must not fall short of or exceed criticality, or the measurements will be thrown off significantly. There are other devices, including manholes, that can help with that, but a pretreatment monitoring manhole only partially functions as a control device.

How Pretreatment Monitoring Manholes Work

These manholes are designed to measure the amount of pollutants in any given water flow. Keep in mind that pretreatment monitoring manholes don’t do anything to actually treat the water, but rather they stage it for treatment later on in the flow. They’re called pretreatment manholes because they only collect measurements and samples.

The best manholes will be constructed from high-strength fiberglass, a material that requires virtually no maintenance and has the capability to stand strong against any kind of water flow. The flume or other measuring device will be integrated within the manhole, with the manhole itself designed to grant convenient access for workers. Because of the manhole’s easy installation and access, workers and inspectors will have a safer and more convenient experience checking the samples and measurements.


One of the best features of these manholes is their virtually universal compatibility and customizability. Pretreatment monitoring manholes can be implemented in virtually any water treatment system, regardless of terrain and local requirements. Even the height is customizable, so it doesn’t matter how far underground your water flow is. Should the manhole go deep enough, there will even be a ladder included.

There are numerous tops that can be applied to the manhole to facilitate its integration. For example, if you’re trying to install one in a high-traffic area, there are flat aluminum tops with a low-profile design. If the area doesn’t have high traffic, however, you can opt for a domed top that lets it stand out among the grass or other natural terrain in areas where aesthetics don’t matter. There are even open-top and flat fiberglass options for certain scenarios.

Getting Your Own Pretreatment Monitoring Manhole

If you’re looking for a pretreatment monitoring manhole for your water treatment system, Tracom is happy to offer everything you need. Our team will work with you to find a custom solution that works uniquely within your water flow system. Contact us today to learn more and request a quote.

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