How to Properly Install a Flume

Proper installation is the key to a successful flow rate measurement using a flume. If the installation isn’t conducted properly, there’s really no way to consistently get accurate flow rate measurements, so you should take great care when setting up a flume. Fortunately, you can ensure your installation goes smoothly as long as you keep certain factors in mind. Here’s how to properly install a flume.

Allow for a Smooth Flow

While some channels simply make it impossible for a smooth flow transition to occur without dampening measures in place, every flume’s installation should strive for a quiescent flow entering the flume. This can be accomplished through a variety of methods, but radius wing walls are particularly effective. An additional benefit of this method is that all the flow is conveniently directed right within the flume. Remember, a flume will only work if it’s able to measure all of the flow. Having reinforced wing walls that fully span the entire channel will direct every bit of the flow into the flume. Make sure you frequently check it for any leaks.

Make Sure the Flume Is Level

Only a level flume is able to provide accurate readings. This is because the necessary equations require the surface to be at a level orientation relative to the flume’s floor. If the flume itself is tilted in any direction, the measurement results will be thrown off. While it’s impossible to prevent flumes from shifting over time, corrections can be made to ensure measurements are still accurate, provided all the other necessary conditions are still met. Just keep in mind that these corrections don’t work for all flume types.

Overestimate the Required Size

When you’re installing a flume in a channel system that uses a pipe with wastewater coming through from a singular source at a consistent rate, it’s best to find the flume that’s just the perfect size. For open channels like streams and rivers, however, there are simply too many factors at play to accurately estimate the maximum potential flow rate. Because of this, it’s typically best to overestimate the overall size of your flume by a slight margin. You can always adjust measurements to account for a flow that’s smaller than expected in most cases, but if the flow overtops your flume, all your measurement efforts will be wasted. Even installation itself can be compromised if the flow rate is higher than expected, as your entire flume could be submerged.

Find a Flume With Tracom

Now that you know how to properly install a flume, it’s time to find the design that best fits your flow channel needs. While plenty of options are available, only one is the best fit for your unique situation. At Tracom, we can work with you to craft a custom fiberglass flume that perfectly fits your channel to provide accurate measurements you can count on. Take a look at our selection ofl flumes including Parshall flumes, Montana Flumes, and more!  Contact our team today to get started on crafting a flume you’ll be satisfied with for years to come.

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