When you’re looking for a flume for your water management system, one of the most important factors is picking an option that’s low maintenance. In this regard, there’s almost no better option than the H flume.
Because of their limited need for maintenance, H flumes are used in a variety of applications, including industrial operations. Just because H flumes are low maintenance, however, it doesn’t mean that they’re maintenance-free. This means you should consider some of the upkeep requirements of this flume before installing it in your system. Here are some important maintenance facts to keep in mind that can help you decide if this flume is the right choice for your operation.
The Flat Floor Isn’t Invulnerable
One of the most notable characteristics of the H flume is its flat floor. The reason the flat floor of this flume is so important is that it easily allows for the passage with sedimentation, meaning this flume can be used in situations where there is a high risk for sedimentation.
Although H flumes do pass solids much more easily and other flume types, this doesn’t mean that you can abandon your maintenance responsibilities completely. If the flow in your system is particularly low, for example, solids can easily become lodged near the throat of your flume. Eventually, if these solids are allowed to accumulate, they will completely block your flow and disrupt your system.
Keeping the V-Notch Clear
As mentioned in the previous section, there are certain circumstances where solids can drop out of the flow and become lodged in your flume. While sedimentation is a concern anywhere in your H flume, it is particularly troublesome when it occurs in the V-notch.
The accuracy of your H-flume depends on flow being able to spill through the V-notch. If this notch is blocked, either partially or completely, your readings will be inaccurate and your operation far less successful.
Keeping Your Flume Clear
When properly maintained, an H flume is extremely versatile, and can easily provide the accurate readings on which your operation depends. Although these flumes are self-cleaning to an extent, periodic maintenance can help reduce your risk of sedimentation and problems with your flume.
Every so often, have one of your operators check your H-flume to make sure that the flow is unimpeded. They need to make sure that there is no sedimentation in the approach section, and that the V-notch is completely clear. If the flow in your system is typically low, you would need to schedule this maintenance on a more frequent basis than if the flow rate in your system were normal.
Install an H Flume
If you’re looking for a flume that can handle a wide range of flow types while returning accurate readings, look no further than the H Flume. As we have seen, however, the H flume does require some maintenance, although not as much as other flume types. If you’re interested in installing an H flume in your system, then you need to shop with Tracom, FRP.
Shopping with Tracom is the easiest way to find quality tools for your system. We offer fiberglass flumes in several styles, including the H flume. Contact us today.