Common Mistakes When Installing A Flume

Flumes are the most widely used flow management tools in the entire world, allowing operations both large and small to take accurate readings without worry. If you’re thinking about installing a flume in your system, regardless of the style, there are several mistakes that you may make that can reduce the effectiveness of this common flow management tool.

If you want to get the most out of your flume, it’s crucial that you learn how to avoid some common installation mistakes and a few ways you can correctly install a flume in your operation. Here are a few flume installation mistakes to avoid and quick advice that you can follow for a quick, easy, and successful installation.

The Most Common Installation Mistakes

Before we jump into the process of correctly installing a flume, let’s go over some of these flume installation mistakes.

The first, and most easily avoidable, flume installation mistake is choosing the wrong size flume for your system. If you choose a flume size that isn’t capable of handling the expected maximum flow rate in your system, your readings will be wildly inaccurate and your operation less successful. If you’re not yet sure of your maximum flow rate, it’s better to install a flume that’s too large instead of too small.

Another mistake that water management operations typically make when installing a flume is having their flume produced from the wrong material. Galvanized steel, for instance, is fine for certain situations, but may corrode when used in systems with sanitary flows or chemicals. If you want your flume to last well into the future, the best material to choose is fiberglass, which resists corrosion and other forms of damage.

Finally, when installing your flume, you should make sure that you’re correctly managing your flow. Flumes require uniform flow to function correctly, and if there’s turbulence or surging in your system, your flume won’t provide the utility you need.

Tips for a Successful Installation

Now that we’ve covered a few of the biggest mistakes you can make while installing your flume, it’s time to take a look at some of the steps for a successful installation.

First, make sure there are no bends or dips in the channel directly upstream from your flume. Second, be certain that your flume is placed in the center of the channel so that it can effectively capture the flow. Third, secure your flume so that it doesn’t shift during the installation process and then add cribbing so that the flume stays in place. Finally, make sure that you’ve set the floor of your flume so that your flow can discharge unimpeded.

Purchase Flumes for Your System

Avoid these flume installation mistakes and follow the steps for a proper installation and you can make the most of this useful flow measurement tool. If you’re ready to install a flume in your operation, then you need to make sure you’re buying your tools from Tracom, FRP.

Tracom is a leading manufacturer of durable, affordable fiberglass flumes, and our team would be glad to help you choose the flume style that’s right for your system. Contact us today to receive a quote for our top flume options.

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