Concrete vs. Fiberglass Packaged Metering Manholes

manhole parshall flume
When you think of a manhole, you probably think of a large structure made entirely from concrete. Although concrete has long been a popular choice for manholes, this construction material is now facing stiff competition from fiberglass packaged metering manholes. As an increasingly popular choice, particularly in wastewater operations, fiberglass packaged metering manholes provide several benefits that you may not receive when choosing concrete. Learning about these two manhole types will help you decide which option is right for your system. Compare concrete manholes to fiberglass manholes and find out which of these tools will provide you with the most benefits.


One of the biggest differences between these two types of manholes is how they are fabricated. Generally, a packaged metering manhole is constructed as a barrel with a top. After fabrication, a structure is integrated into the packaged metering manhole, with popular options including flumes, grinder channels, and weirs. The fabrication method used for packaged metering manholes means that the integrated structure does is not required to inside the barrel footprint, which is a big advantage over concrete manholes. In addition, packaged metering manholes are fitted with a fiberglass cover during construction, making them both watertight and extremely resistant to damage.


A large drawback of choosing concrete manholes is how they are constructed. A concrete manhole must be constructed in segments. This segmented construction process leaves several seams where moisture can leak out of and into your manhole, meaning you will need to purchase and apply additional water sealing materials to your concrete manhole. Unfortunately, even if you are able to make your manhole watertight, it will still be vulnerable to damage depending on the environment where it is installed. Sewage systems, for example, are extremely corrosive, and will eventually erode away the water-sealing materials applied to your concrete manhole. Fiberglass packaged metering manholes, on the other hand, are constructed as a uniform structure. Not only does this make the construction process much simpler and easier, but it eliminates the seams that can cause your manhole to leak and deteriorate.

Comparing Installation

Another factor to consider when choosing a manhole for your system is how quickly it can be installed. Unlike concrete manholes, the installation process for a fiberglass packaged metering manhole is quick and easy, reducing the amount of time your system will need to be shut down. Essentially, the only tasks required for installing a packaged metering manhole are digging a site, pouring the slab, placing the manhole, and then filling in the site. It really is that simple. With concrete manholes, you will need to complete water sealing, and if your manhole is constructed on site, you will need to let the concrete dry.

Choose a Fiberglass Packaged Metering Manhole

If you’re thinking about installing a manhole in your water management system, your obvious choice is a packaged metering manhole, which provides several benefits over traditional concrete manholes. Install your fiberglass packaged metering manhole as soon as possible by purchasing from Tracom, FRP. Tracom offers packaged metering manholes in several different top styles and with a variety of integrated structures. Ask us for a quote today and find out why a packaged metering manhole is your perfect choice.

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