Different Weir Flow Types You Should Know About

Weirs are one of the most widely used flow management tools across the control. With accurate measurements and the ability to be easily installed in natural channels, the weir is the perfect tool for almost any application imaginable. If you’re considering weir usage in your water management operation, then it’s important that you learn more about these versatile tools, including the types of flow you can expect while using weirs.

Learn about the two different types of weir flows, find out which flow is more useful for your operation and find out how to equip your outfit with weirs.

Submerged Flow

The flow that a weir will experience will be directly determined by the downstream conditions. When you experience downstream conditions where the amount of water flowing over your weir is lessened, it’s possible that your weir will become submerged, which can pose a large problem for the regular operations of your water management system.

For example, when a weir experiences submergence, it can throw off the accuracy of your readings to an alarming degree, forcing you to make complicated mathematical adjustments to make sure that your flow measurements are correct. When installing a weir, you should always be aware of the risk for submerged flow so that you can protect the functioning of your water system.


Weirs with Free Flow

The other common type of flow that you’ll experience when using a weir is known as free flow. Also known as modular flow, free flow occurs when the downstream conditions are such that the water in your system can spill over the crest of your weir completely unimpeded. There are several reasons that free flow is ideal for a natural water channel with a fiberglass weir, which you should learn more about.

Free flow, for example, allows for much more accurate readings, which is of the utmost importance in any water management system. However, make sure that your weir plate is adjusted properly to provide for maximum aeration.


Adjusting for Flow Type

Now that you know a little more about the different types of flow that you can expect from using a thin plate weir, it’s time to decide which one is the right choice for your water management operation.

While there are some advantages to allowing for submerged flow, it is often more trouble than it’s worth, causing added work for your operators that can slow down the functioning of your water management system. Instead of trying to manage submerged flow, it’s a much better idea to set up your weir plate to accommodate free flow. This will give you extremely accurate readings and the ease of use that leads to long-term operational success.


Manage Weir Flows with the Right Tools

No matter the flow type that your operation experiences, one of the best decisions you could make is to install weirs. Get help managing weir flows by purchasing the right water management tools from a trusted resource like Tracom, FRP.

The team at Tracom is wholly committed to connecting water management systems like yours with the tools that they need for continued success. Contact us today to discuss our products and how we can help your operation.


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