Why You Need A Trapezoidal Flume

trapezoidal flume

While not the most popular kind of flume, the trapezoidal flume has much to offer that far too many don’t even consider. You’ll find a wide variety of advantages despite it being a relatively new design that doesn’t have as much research on it as older styles like the Parshall do. Learn why you need a trapezoidal flume, and discover all the benefits this handy design can bring to your flow rate measurement efforts.

Easy Installation

One of the best aspects of the trapezoidal flume is how easy it is to install for a wide variety of different flow channel conditions. If you’re trying to integrate it into an already existing system, you’ll find it simple to connect with end adapters. There’s also no drop necessary for it to function, so it can be installed without having to clear out room for a bottom or adjust downstream conditions. Additionally, many naturally formed channels like creeks and streams already basically have a trapezoidal design, so the flume can mimic the natural shape of the earth.

Flow Rate Range

A lot of flumes are fairly limited when it comes to the kinds of flows that can actually be measured. While no flume is good for literally every possible kind of flow velocity, trapezoidal flumes have plenty of breathing room. You’ll find accurate measurements whether you’re dealing with low flows or surge flows. All you have to do to account for the differences is to account for the change in head. Within its range, however, you’ll still get the same accuracy whether a low or high flow is present.


One of the most important aspects of flume ownership is maintenance. If you want to get the most out of your flume, it’ll need to be cleaned regularly to ensure any measurements you take are accurate. The trapezoidal design makes this incredibly easy, as it’s essentially self-cleaning. Since the flume has a flat bottom, there’s nowhere for sediment to collect. Additionally, larger debris tends to get passed through the flume easily. Even if a low flow gets something wedged inside, the higher flow often raises the obstruction to an elevation where the walls are further apart since they both slant outwards. Then, the obstruction passes right through.

Size Range

You can find a trapezoidal flume for virtually any citation because of the wide range of available sizes. Whether you want something with a smaller or longer throat, or if it’s a matter of the sloping wall’s length, you won’t have to look far. The different styles and sizes mean these flumes work in a variety of different situations whether you’re dealing with seepage, industrial discharge, or irrigation applications.

Trapezoidal Flumes from Tracom

With why you need a trapezoidal flume in mind, it’s time to get your hands on one of your own. That’s where Tracom is happy to help. You’ll find a wide variety of flumes available here, but that’s just the beginning. You’re always welcome to work alongside our design team to create a unique trapezoidal flume for your specific flow conditions. Contact us today to get started!

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