When you install a flume in your water management system, your primary goal is most likely measuring flow rate. However, in certain systems, there is also a need to measure water level and quality, which requires installing a secondary device such as a pressure transducer or water quality probe.
If you need to use either of these tools in your system, then it’s important that you mount them in the right way, which is why it’s important to learn about different mounting options. Here is some advice for mounting secondary devices in a flume that will ensure you can take all the measurements your system needs.
Using the Channel Floor
One of the most popular options for mounting devices such as a pressure transducer is using the channel floor. Secondary devices can sometimes be mounted directly on the channel floor, but many systems choose to install their device in a recessed cavity for added security.
Typically, conduit straps or spring clips will hold your device in place. However, if you need to frequently move your measurement device, the spring clip is the better choice as it can be easily removed.
Mounting to the channel floor poses several problems, including difficult installation and the likelihood that your device will become dislodged.
Choosing a Detachable Probe Holder
Another interesting option for mounting secondary devices in a flume is a detachable probe holder. This stainless steel holder is mounted to the sidewall of your flume, and allows you to easily place or remove your pressure transducer or water quality probe. Depending on the needs of your system, your probe holder can be recessed or mounted flush to the sidewall.
Like many options for mounting your secondary device, the probe holder will be held in place using spring clips. Because the probe holder is exposed directly to the flow in your system, this can provide very accurate readings. However, it also means your probe holder and the device it contains are vulnerable to debris in your flow.
Stilling and Probe Well
If your system can accommodate, then you may want to use a stilling well or probe well to install your secondary measurement device. Stilling and probe wells are chambers that are removed from your main device but are still connected to the flow. The inlet that allows flow into your well helps to dampen energy so that your readings aren’t affected by turbulence that may be occurring in the main flow.
Depending on the size of your secondary device, it can be mounted either vertically or horizontally within your well, both of which should provide you accurate readings. The drawback of stilling and probe wells is that they are vulnerable to solid debris. If there are solids in your system, it can block the inlet port, rendering your well useless.
Choose a Flume to Mount Your Secondary Device
After learning about how to best mount secondary devices in your system, you need to purchase your primary device, such as a flume or weir, which means you need to shop with Tracom, FRP.
We offer a range of flow measurement devices manufactured using high-quality fiberglass, meaning you can find a tool that will fit perfectly in your system. Contact Tracom today for information about our product line.