Why Use Manholes In Water Treatment

For the most part, the water we use is recycled. When wastewater is expelled by a private or public entity, that wastewater is sent to the local wastewater treatment plant, where the harmful organisms and other pollutants are removed before the water is sent back out into the general supply. Learn how manholes help water treatment and ensure that this entire water recycling process is possible.

Discharge Standards

As a matter of policy, commercial and industrial users of water are responsible for controlling their wastes that may pass through the treatment system. This eases the burden on the treatment plants significantly, turning water treatment into more of a collective effort on the part of the entire community. 

To meet these discharge standards, users have to measure the rate of their water discharge in addition to testing for any contaminants. There are quite a few ways to measure flow rate, but they almost always involve some kind of flume device. If your flow channel is underground, however, it can be tough to get a flume in there that’s easily accessible. That is, it’s tough unless you use a manhole.

Benefits of Using a Manhole

When you implement a manhole to access an underground water flow system, you can make the measurement process quick and easy. Even if your flow is going through a pipe, there are options available for integration. A manhole, strictly speaking, just creates a passage from the surface to the underground flow channel. At the bottom of the manhole, there’s typically a vault area with an integrated flume. In that area, the flume functions much like one on the surface in which flow rate can be measured once the flow reaches criticality.

Many different kinds of private and public entities expel wastewater, and there are several manhole types that could work for a variety of scenarios. For example, a dome-top style is available for those who want easy access and don’t have to worry about traffic or pedestrians. An aluminum hatch style is also available, which serves as a flat covering that’s useful in heavy traffic areas or other low-profile scenarios. 

Factory Integration

For the manhole to work properly, it needs to be factory-integrated into the flow system. Essentially, that means the manhole must be level, leave enough space for measurement and provide accurate readings. That may seem obvious, but providing accurate measurements depends on a lot of factors. You can’t necessarily just install a manhole wherever you like. To get proper measurements, the flume that the manhole leads to must be able to measure the flow at its point of criticality. If the water is coming from a pipe, that may mean adjusting the incoming pipe slope.

In some cases, a flume or vault area may already exist. In those instances, installing a manhole is easy, as it essentially functions as an access point and nothing else. Not only does it make it easy to monitor the flow rate, but it provides easy access for monitoring agents to do their work safely. Just keep in mind that if you opt for a longer manhole, you’ll probably need a ladder with it.

Fiberglass Manholes From Tracom

If you’re looking to install a manhole of your own after learning how manholes help water treatment, Tracom has got you covered. Our fiberglass manholes are customizable, have no joints or seals, and are resistant to corrosion. Contact us today to learn more!

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