Open Channel Flow Measurement Errors to Avoid

Measuring open channel flow is a much more difficult task than many people realize. For instance, there are several different flow measurement errors that are easy to make and will wreak havoc on the accuracy of your operation. If you want to be sure you’re getting the accurate flow readings you want and need, it’s crucial you learn about a few common flow measurement errors and how they can be avoided. Here are a few open channel flow measurement errors you must avoid if you want to take the accurate readings that lead to long-term success.

Improperly Sized Device

Many common errors related to open channel flow management can occur before you even take a measurement. An improperly sized flow management device will make it impossible to take the accurate readings you need. Whether you plan to use a flume or weir in your system, you must be certain that your device is sized correctly if you want to avoid problems with your flow readings.

In particular, you need to make ensure your device is capable of handling the range of flow in your system. Your primary device should be able to handle both the expected lowest and highest flow rate. If your device cannot handle the full range of flow rates in your system, there is no way you’ll be able to take accurate readings.

Poor Device Installation

Making mistakes when installing your primary device is another of the most common open channel flow measurement errors. If your device isn’t installed the right way, you’re guaranteed to have consistent problems with your flow readings.

With a weir pool, for instance, you must be certain that your weir pool is sized correctly. If you use a flume in your system, you must be certain that your device is installed level in its channel and that it captures all of the flow.

Choosing the Wrong Measurement Point

Picking the wrong point of measurement is the most easily avoidable flow measurement error. The correct point of measurement depends on the device you are using. With a flume, you should always take your measurements upstream of the throat section. When using a weir, take your flow readings upstream of the weir crest. Choosing the right measurement point will ensure the accuracy of your readings and the success of your operation.

Ignoring Maintenance

Ignoring the maintenance needs of your primary device can also cause problems with your flow readings. For instance, if you use a weir, your operators will need to periodically clean your weir pool so that it is clear of debris. You’ll also need to make sure there is nothing obstructing your weir crest. For flumes, you should make sure there is no sedimentation that could impede flow and that your flume is still capturing all the flow in your system.

Stop Flow Measurement Errors

Having the highest quality primary device possible is the easiest way to prevent open channel flow measurement errors. Whether you want a flume or a weir, you can find the device that’s right for your system by shopping with Tracom, FRP. We offer fiberglass products that meet the needs of both large and small flow management operations, and we would be glad to help you choose your primary device. Contact Tracom today.

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