Benefits of Working with a Flume Manufacturer

fiberglass products

Numerous options are available for getting your hands on a quality flume, but there’s nothing better than opting for a professional flume manufacturer. That’s the only way you can get the quality you deserve in a way that flume resellers simply can’t match. Learn all about the benefits of working with a flume manufacturer, and discover all the advantages you can enjoy.

High Quality

Flume manufacturers are dedicated to providing quality flow rate measurement solutions to work with all sorts of channel conditions. This quality is reinforced by their entire setup in a way that resellers and catalog companies can’t match. When a company is solely focused on manufacturing quality flumes, every part of that company works together to create the best product and experience.

Specifically, dedicated manufacturers are involved in the design, production and sales of flumes. With all of these functions being performed in-house, you’ll find a much more cohesive and seamless experience working with a manufacturer. With dedicated help every step of the way, consumers can enjoy quality while the manufacturer gets constant feedback, allowing them to optimize their services.

Specified Dimensions

While certain flume designs are pretty universal, these don’t always fit a given flow channel. That’s why it’s important to have a design team that can offer the customizability that many flow channels call for. Designing the right kind of flume is just the beginning, however, as the manufacturing process also has to be exact. Fortunately, quality manufacturers make use of fiberglass materials that allow for pinpoint accuracy in dimensions.

When coming up with the exact dimensions necessary, manufacturers take a careful approach by examining a wide variety of factors. The flume needs to fit the flow channel, of course, but it also needs to be properly reinforced and braced if needed. Additionally, the laminate schedule should be crafted to withstand the load forces expected in the channel to increase longevity. Of course, this also means coming up with the best combinations for resins and gel coats to protect against any corrosion.

Material Choice

Flumes can be made from a variety of different materials. Resellers and distributors tend to focus on only the most common kinds of materials, like steel. If you’re looking for something a bit more advanced, like fiberglass, you’ll need to work with a manufacturer. With fiberglass, the manufacturer will have to make the effort to ensure that you’re getting the most from that material. The surfaces need to be gel coated to protect against damage from the sun and other sources. Additionally, the manufacturer will need to be able to mold or attach anchoring clips and other accessories if necessary.

Manufacturing Experience

Working with a flume manufacturer means you’ll get a level of experience that can’t be found with a reseller or catalog seller. In fact, resellers may not have any experience at all when it comes to designing a flume and understanding its applications. Additionally, manufacturing experience means these professionals know the most common pitfalls to watch out for during production.

One of the best benefits of working with an experienced manufacturer is that they often know how to craft add-ons to a flume if necessary. If you’re looking for a staff gauge, for example, they’ll be able to mount one properly. Of course, they could also attach a stilling well or make modifications to the sidewalls. Their experience in production coupled with their design expertise puts custom-made flumes leagues beyond anything you’d find at a reseller.

Customer Service

Customer service when it comes to flumes is twofold. First, a seller will need to be able to get you the flume you need for your unique flow channel. Second, they’ll need to be able to help support it after installation. Manufacturers tend to take an interest in your flow channel conditions and strive to find something that’s the perfect fit for you. They can even design a flume for you if you have some particularly unique conditions that standard sizes won’t work with.

Work With Tracom

When you’re looking for a flume manufacturer you can count on, Tracom has got you covered. Our team has immense experience working with all kinds of FRP flumes, and we have plenty in our catalog to offer. If you need something customized, our team is happy to work with you to mold something that fits your unique open channel flow conditions. We can even offer continued assistance long after your purchase to ensure that everything is working properly. Contact us today to get started!

Andrew Helbling

Andrew Helbling is the Product Specialist at Tracom, where he works with engineers, contractors, and product owners alike to assess and select the best open channel flow and general-purpose fiberglass products for their application. Andrew is passionate about clean water and helping operators and engineers provide the cleanest water possible.

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