All About Portable RBC Flumes

There are any number of situations where you might need to measure water flow, including in earthen channels and furrows. However, measuring flow in these locations can be very difficult, particularly if you don’t have the right tools at your disposal. Fortunately, if you need to measure earthen channel flow and don’t want to set up a permanent installation, you have the option of using a portable RBC flume.

RBC flumes can be manufactured in five different sizes that are scale models of each other, providing you with versatile flow measuring options. Learn about a few of the advantages of measuring flow with portable RBC flumes and find out how you can purchase these flexible tools.

Accurate Measurements

When you’re trying to measure flow in earthen channels, it can be hard to get the accurate readings you deserve due to the non-standard shape of the channel that can lead to flow escaping your primary measuring device. However, if you choose a portable RBC flume, you’ll easily be able to take highly accurate flow measurements.

For instance, RBC flumes have an accuracy rate of about two percent, which is close to the rate offered by thin plate weirs. In addition, these flumes can measure a broad range of flows, making them a great choice for outdoor measurements where flow rate can be inconsistent.

Construction Materials

As mentioned, one of the biggest advantages of RBC flumes are their portability. These flumes are meant to be transported from site to site, which means that they need to be both lightweight and durable. While it’s possible to have your flume constructed from stainless steel, the better choice is purchasing a fiberglass RBC flume.

A fiberglass RBC flume provides several advantages you find with other materials. For instance, fiberglass is resistant to several forms of environmental damage, including corrosion and UV light, making it a great option for outdoor operations. Also, fiberglass is extremely lightweight, which is paramount in a portable flume.

Differences in Design

Another reason that the RBC flume makes a great choice for measuring flow in earthen channels and furrows is its unique design. The walls of a RBC flume, for instance, make a trapezoidal shape at the base. However, unlike trapezoidal flumes, the sidewalls do not contract.

The RBC flume differs from other flumes in that flow is directed into the flume via the trapezoidal ramp, and there is no down ramp like you would find in other flume types. On the other hand, RBC flumes cannot be equipped with accessories like end adapters, meaning they cannot be used for measuring pipe flow.

Purchase a Portable RBC Flume

If you’re looking for a convenient, accurate solution for measuring flow in earthen channels, your obvious choice is an RBC flume. When you’re ready to take advantage of the many benefits of portable RBC flumes, then your best solution is shopping with Tracom, FRP.

With Tracom, you’ll find a great selection of flow measurement devices, including some of the market’s most popular flume styles. Also, because our products are made from fiberglass, you’ll know that they’ll last for years to come. Contact us today to get more information about our products and to request a quote.

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