RBC Flume Facts & Installation

Choosing the right flume for your flow management operation is of the utmost importance if you want long-term success. Not every flume is suitable for every application, making it crucial that you do your research before investing in a device.

The RBC flume, for example, provides very accurate readings and can handle a wide range of flow types. That said, there are some limitations to this flume that you should definitely keep in mind. Here are a few of the most common RBC flume applications and some tips for getting the most out of your flow management device.

A Few Facts About RBC Flumes

Before we get into where you can install your RBC flume, it’s a good idea to learn a little more about this device and how it differs from other flumes. The first thing that you’ll probably notice about the RBC flume is that it has a much longer throat than other flow management devices. This longer throat allows the flume to handle different flow rates and improves measurement accuracy.

RBC flumes also feature a flat floor, which is important because it makes retrofitting this device into existing channels a lot easier. Finally, these flumes were designed for portability, which means they can be transported to different flow measurement sites.

Where Can You Install an RBC Flume?

Now that you have a few basic facts about this popular device, it’s time to learn about RBC flume applications. In general, you’ll use your RBC flume to measure outdoor flows. Although the RBC flume was designed specifically for installation in existing earthen channels, there are several other types of outdoor flows that you can measure with this flume.

For instance, you could use your RBC flume to measure runoff at the edge of the field. You’ll often find these flumes near dams, where they measure seepage, and you can easily install an RBC flume into small or large irrigation channels. Essentially, any place that you need to measure an outside flow, you can use an RBC flume.

Tips for Installing Your Flume

The key for getting the most out of your RBC flume, regardless of the application, is making sure that it’s installed and maintained correctly. Fortunately, this isn’t as difficult as you might think.

First and foremost, you must be certain that your flume is level in the installation channel. If your flume isn’t level, this could interfere with the velocity of the flow, which would impact your measurements. Second, check to see that the flume captures all of the flow. Flow bypass can occur very easily, and when this happens, your measurements will have no chance of being accurate. Lastly, check to see that your flume is secure and not at risk for shifting out of place.

Purchase Your RBC Flume

As you can see, there are a wide range of RBC flume applications, meaning this device should easily fit into your operation. If you’re interested in purchasing an RBC flume, Tracom, FRP can help. We are one of the leading producers of fiberglass flumes and other flow management products, and our experienced team would be glad to help you choose the device that best meets your needs. Contact us today for more information.

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